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Free Bike Tours Lisbon

10 Razões Para Um Passeio de Bicicleta Grátis.

10 Razões Para Participares num Passeio de Bicicleta Gratuito.

Many people ask me or themselves what are the reasons or benefits of participating in a Free Bike Tour.

I’m suspicious to write about this, in any case I’m convinced that I can help to clarify some doubts, so here are the 10 most relevant:

 1 - You save time.

By bicycle you move faster than by foot, so you can see more in less time. In addition, you can see places where cars or tourist buses don’t have access;

 2 - Local Guides.

Our guides are local, they know the city very well, the history, the culture, the traditions, all the spots and love to ride, all of this is important when you want to know a city.

3 - Volunteer Guides.

Our guides are volunteers, they love what they do and this is very important. In addition, the wages they receive are your tips and for that reason they always do the best they can.  

4 – Is Eco-Friendly.

The bicycle is a means of transport that doesn’t cause pollution, so it’s considered eco-friendly. By choosing to take this tour you are contributing to less pollution and to creating eco-sustainable tourism.

5 – Is Healthy.

The benefits that cycling has for your health are multiple, in addition to preventing respiratory and circulatory system diseases, among others, also help you with sexual performance and sleep better.

6 - Meet Other Travelers.

Our tours involve people who come from all over the world, some who travel accompanied, others who travel alone, for this reason our tours are also an opportunity to meet several people, make new friends, share stories and knowledge.

7 - Improve Your Well-being.

When you take a bike tour you are exercising at the same time, this is positive for health, but also for the mind. Right now, you put your thoughts on what you are doing, what you are seeing (a lot of new things) and on the people who are taking the tour with you. It frees your mind, makes you smile, makes you laugh, makes you feel good.

8 - It's Free.

In this tour you have no obligation to pay a fixed amount, you can even pay nothing. You’ll set the price, you’ll set the value according what you think is fair and within what you can.

9 - Helps you save money.

As I mentioned, our guides are local, they know the city very well and how everything works in Lisbon, so they have the sensitivity to give you a lot os suggestions. They can either advise you on the best and most expensive restaurants, or they can suggest cheaper places, usually frequented by locals, so that you can make your trip cheaper.

10 - Everyone feels safe, it's fun and unforgettable.

In addition to the points mentioned above, as you can see in hundreds of comments on TripAdvisor, Google, AirBnB, Freetour, everyone liked to participate in our tour (excellent rating) and are unanimous in considering a good way to get to know the city, that they felt good and safe and that they had a lot of fun.

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