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Free Bike Tours Lisbon

I’m in love with the Dão Eco-Track.

Because viewing the routes in applications is one thing and testing them is another, I never organize a bike tour without taking a tour in advance at the right place.


In addition to taking great pleasure in exploring all places freely, without time and obligations, doing this allows me to have a much better perception of what I’ll find, design the best route and in a very significant way I reduce the possibility of have unpleasant surprises.


For all these reasons, a bike tour in advance gives me great peace of mind.

Sometimes I feel comfortable with a single lap of recognition, other times I do several laps until the route is definitely drawn, everything depends the area complexity and the paths.

The same thing happened with the Dão Eco-Track. Before I promoted the tour last weekend, I had already done the recognition. Because it’s a very simple route, although it was done both ways (Santa Comba Dão - Viseu and Viseu - Santa Comba Dão), I only did once.

I did this tour last summer, I confess that although I liked it a lot, I didn't get the idea, contrary to what I had read, that this was one of the most beautiful bike paths, or even the most beautiful in Portugal.

The truth is that, on last weekend's ride I was surprised in a very positive way. Perhaps, because it’s already autumn, because the colors and tones have changed, because there is more water, because the luminosity is different, the truth is that I was truly enchanted.

I don't know if it’s the most beautiful bike lane in Portugal, because I don't know all, but Dão Eco-track is TOP, I’m in love.

I recommend it to everyone!

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