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Free Bike Tours Lisbon

Planting Smiles on Lisbon Bike Tours.

I love cycling, I love to ride a bike, I love feeling free, I love meeting new people and new cultures.

I’m lucky to do all this.

Lisbon and Portugal are fantastic locations for this activity, it's a beautiful city and a wonderful country, there's so much to see and discover.

There are cities, monuments, gardens, beaches, nature, wonderful landscapes and Portuguese food.

Many sunny days and safety are also important factors.

I'm really lucky!

 All of this helps me to see on my tours, very often, something that I also value a lot and that has an incalculable price – smiles.

It's true that in the first minutes of each tour my goal is to know and understand how everyone rides the bike, to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and safe, but after that I start looking for something different – ​​smiles.

Seeing smiles on everyone's face is proof that everyone is comfortable, that everyone is enjoying the experience, that everyone is fun and happy.

The smile is something of extreme importance in this activity, but it is also something wonderful, something that I really like to see and that gives me pleasure.

For me seeing a smile on a bike tour is as important as seeing a flower in a garden.

On my tours I like to feel like a gardener, a gardener who instead of planting and taking care of flowers, plants and takes care of smiles.

My job on a bicycle tour is to take care of each and every one of the participants, just as a gardener takes care of all his plants.

As the gardener is proud of his garden, I’m proud of mine.

I feel so happy looking at the people on my tour and seeing smiles.

Fortunately, I am lucky to see many beautiful smiles on my bike tours.


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