Some years ago, I changed my traditional bicycle, for an electric one and little by little some tours that I do, have started to be done with electric bikes.
The difference is so friendly and pleasant that it’s difficult for me to describe.
If just the fact that a few years ago, almost completely, the car for a bicycle was a great option, because I started exercising every day, losing weight, forgot the stress to park the car and with the traffic, when I switched from the classic to the electric bike, the option became even more extraordinary.
Since that moment my life has changed completely.
In addition to continuing to exercise and lose weight with less effort, I started to be always more relaxed and happier.
Nowadays, I climb any hill in Lisbon with a smile, without getting all perspired and with my heart pounding.
I even started taking long bike trips, you can see some here, which has allowed me to visit wonderful, almost secret places, without having to pay for fuel, tolls, parking and some penalties.
For some time, I have been thinking about writing a post about the advantages and what has changed in my life since I chose an electric bike, but it isn’t an easy discretion, for that reason I didn’t do it and even in this text I was not able to list all the advantages, nor express everything I feel.
However, today when watching this video, although it is advertising, I smiled and couldn't resist sharing it here.
It’s very well-done video and shows a little of what I feel since I have my electric bike.